Risotto med Kamchatkakrabba

Risotto med Kamchatkakrabba

Så här på nyår ligger det självklart några maffiga krabb-ben i kylen. I Ryssland var Kamchatkakrabba det bästa skaldjuret som gick att få tag på färskt, allt annat var fryst och importerat. Att göra en bra risotto fick jag lära mig av Gualtiero Marchesi under ett gästspel som jag arrangerat på dåvarande Coq Blanc. Gualtieros enda engelska ord under tiden vi umgicks var – You neeever eeever leave the risotto!!! Så gör inte det, späd med buljong och vin hela tiden men lämna ALDRIG din risotto.

Kamchatka crab risotto with lemon-vanilla beurre blanc and fennel roll

6 Portion

Kamchatka crab 600 gr

Carnaroli rice 200 gr

Chicken stock 500 cl

White wine 100 cl

Schalott onion 25 gr

Salt 10 gr

White pepper 5 gr

Parmesan cheese 50 gr

Lemon juice 15 cl

Lemon zest 2 gr

Vanilla pod 1 pce

Butter 50 gr

Rice paper 6 pce

Fennel 100 gr

Salt 5 gr

Sherry vinegar 5 cl

Tear up the crab legs.

To make the risotto: Heat the rice in a pan without taking colour. Add the chicken stock until it covers the rice, add the onion. Keep ladeling and stirring in stock and wine as the rice absorbs taking care to kepp the rice from burning at the bottom. Taste the rice, it is ready when it tastes ”al dente” add salt and white pepper to taste. The risotto can be pre prepared up to this point.

To make the lemon-vanilla beurre blanc: Cook the lemon juice with the zest and vanilla pod (split) until half the liquid has evaporated. Take the vanilla pod away and whip in the cold butter piece by piece until you have a emulsified butter.

To make the rice paper rolls: Shave the fennel thinnly and marinate with salt and sherry vinegar for 6 hours in the refridgerator. Put the rice paper in water one by one and pick them up just as they are soft. Roll up the fennel in the rice paper as small spring rolls.

To serve: Heat the risotto slowly with a bit of chiken stock, when heated through add the grated parmesan and beurre blanc, mix and leave to rest under a lid for 5 minutes. Pour the risotto in a metal ring on a plate and top up with crab meat, take the ring of and put two rice paper rolls on top.